26 Mar 2025 Çarşamba
A new subspecies of Phytoecia (Musaria) puncticollis (Faldermann, 1837) from Jordan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
Lazarev, M. A., Skrylnyk, Y. E. | 117 Downloads. |
Description of a new species of Oligosita Walker (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Trichogrammatidae) from Hyderabad, India
Manhas, S. A., Anis, S. B., Zaidi, N. | 61 Downloads. |
Taxonomic studies on the subfamily Acridinae (Orthoptera: Acrididae) from Kashmir Valley, Himalayas with new records including a genus from the state
Baba, T. H., Usmani, M. K., Naz, H. | 131 Downloads. |
A contribution to knowledge of genus Dermestes Linnaeus, 1758 from Laos (Coleoptera: Dermestidae)
Hava, J. | 47 Downloads. |
Does sexual size dimorphism vary with female width in forest millipedes Centrobolus Cook, 1897?
Cooper, M. | 44 Downloads. |
Efficacy of ginger (Zingiber officinale) against experimentally induced Eimeria species infection in broiler chicken reared across the Kashmir Valley
Jan, Y., Tanveer, S., Shahardar, R. A., Para, B. A. | 57 Downloads. |
Zooplankton communities in the inland waters of the Kura River Basin (within Azerbaijan)
Alekperov, I. Kh., Tapdiqova, K. A. | 77 Downloads. |
First report of the wolf spider Pardosa parathompsoni (Araneidae: Lycosidae) from India
Prasad, P., Saha, G. K., Kumar, V., Tyagi, K. | 48 Downloads. |
Does sexual size dimorphism vary with the highest total hours of sunshine in a month in forest millipedes Centrobolus Cook, 1897?
Cooper, M. | 35 Downloads. |
Amino acids quantification in supplementary diet(s) formulated for honeybees to be fed during lean periods
Kumar, R., Hajam, Y. A. | 41 Downloads. |
Aquatic beetles (Coleoptera: Adephaga, Polyphaga) in the collection of the institute of zoology nas of Azerbaijan Republic
Snegovaya, N., Shirinova, L. | 50 Downloads. |
Does sexual size dimorphism vary with body mass in forest millipedes Centrobolus Cook, 1897?
Cooper, M. | 40 Downloads. |
Addition of two species to the known butterfly fauna of Nepal: Caltoris bromus (Hesperiidae) and Nacaduba berenice (Lycaenidae)
KC, S. | 36 Downloads. |
On activity pattern of the mudflat inhabiting crab Dotilla blanfordi Alcock, 1900 in Gulf of Khambhat, Gujarat
Joshi, K., Patel, K., Trivedi, J. | 38 Downloads. |
Species specificity of male genitalia as a taxonomic tool in some species of Acrididae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) from Kashmir Valley, Himalayas
Baba, T. H., Usmani, M. K. | 43 Downloads. |
Avifauna richness in Ilorin, north central Nigeria
Weliange, W. S., Prasannajith, D. A. N. S., Amaechi, E. C. | 37 Downloads. |
First report of mantis shrimp Oratosquillina interrupta Kemp, 1911 (Crustacea: Stomatopoda) from Gujarat state, India
Dudiya, D., Patel, K., Trivedi, J. | 51 Downloads. |
First report of continental swift Parnara ganga (Evans, 1937) (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) from Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory, India
Sheikh, T., Mishra, S. | 32 Downloads. |
New locality records for Dermestidae (Coleoptera) fauna of Turkey alongwith updated checklist
Tezcan, S., Hava, J. | 51 Downloads. |
The synopsis of Bruchophagus Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) from East Anatolia of Turkey
Gözüaçık, C., Subaşı, Y. | 41 Downloads. |
Investigations on the native parasitoids of Bruchophagus roddi Gussakovskiy (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) in alfalfa seed
Gözüaçık, C., Subaşı, Y. | 43 Downloads. |
Contributions to the Lepidoptera fauna of Turkey based on specimens present in the Lodos Entomological Museum, Turkey (LEMT) Part I: Bombycoidea, Cossoidea, Geometroidea, Zygaenoidea
Tezcan, S., Can, F., Karsavuran, Y. | 47 Downloads. |
Laboratory evaluation of novel insecticides against the grub of Epilachna dodecastigma (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)
Alamgir Hossain, Md., Tithi, D. A., Uddin, Md. J., Abdul Alim, Md., El Taj, H. F. | 37 Downloads. |
New country records of Eumerus vestitus and Baccha dispar (Diptera: Syrphidae) from Punjab, Pakistan
Rasheed, M. A., Naeem, M., Nasir, M. F., Mehmood, T. | 49 Downloads. |
Contributions to the Lepidoptera fauna of Turkey based on specimens present in the Lodos Entomological Museum, Turkey (LEMT) Part II: Papilionoidea: Nymphalidae and Papilionidae
Tezcan, S., Can, F., Karsavuran, Y. | 52 Downloads. |
Occurrence of species of plant parasitic nematodes (Nematoda) in raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) and blackberry (Rubus fruticosus L.) in some orchards in Turkey
Çalışkan, S., Kepenekci, İ. | 50 Downloads. |
Daily variation in the biochemical composition of the antennal muscles of the american cockroach, Periplaneta americana.
Iyeh, C. I., Ademolu, K. O., Osipitan, A. A., Idowu, A. B. | 28 Downloads. |
New locality records for Elateridae (Insecta: Coleoptera) fauna of Turkey
Gülperçin, N., Tezcan, S. | 48 Downloads. |
Dermestidae (Coleoptera) from the collection of the Czech entomologist Mudr. Josef Jurčíček
Hava, J. | 34 Downloads. |
First reports of two Cribellate spiders from India (Araneae: Agelenidae, Titanoecidae)
Quasin, S., Sarkar, I. D., Siliwal, M., Uniyal, V. P. | 35 Downloads. |
New host plants of Delagrangeus (s.str.) angustissimus angustissimus Pic, 1892 (Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae)
Laz, B., Özdikmen, H. | 64 Downloads. |
The checklist of Spheciformes (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) in Turkey
Kaplan, E., Yıldırım, E. | 49 Downloads. |
Notes on unspoken beetle species (Scarabaeidae: Trigonophorus delesserti Guerin, 1839) destroyed by the current ecosystem (ecological change in) in Nilgiris
Karthick, S., Moinudheen, N. | 42 Downloads. |