29 Mar 2025 Cumartesi
New country records of Eumerus vestitus and Baccha dispar (Diptera: Syrphidae) from Punjab, Pakistan
Abstract :The present study was carried out to discover the fauna of Syrphid flies. The members of family Syrphidae play a vital role in agriculture. They are pollinators and predators of soft body insects. In different parts of the worlds, they are also used as the bioindicator. Genus Baccha is recently reported genus from Pakistan. We are reporting two new records of Syrphidae, Eumerus vestitus Bezzi, 1912 and Bacha dispar Walker, 1859 from Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan. Detailed taxonomic description, photographs of Eumerus vestitus and Baccha dispar are provided in this paper.
New record, Eumerus, Baccha, Syrphidae, Punjab, Pakistan