26 Mar 2025 Çarşamba
A propose to new arrangement on some Dorcadionini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
Özdikmen, H., Kaya, G. | 2093 Downloads. |
Lygistopterus escalerai Pic, 1942 stat. nov., and other notes on the genus Lygistopterus Mulsant, 1838 in The Palaearctic Region (Coleoptera: Lycidae)
Terzani, F., Ceccolini, F., Paggetti, E. | 1738 Downloads. |
On the taxonomy of Scarabaeine fauna (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of Buxa Tiger Reserve (Btr), West Bengal, India
Sarkar, S. K., Saha, S., Raychaudhuri, D. | 1734 Downloads. |
A new subgenus to Conizonia Fairmaire, 1864 (Cerambycidae: Lamiinae: Phytoeciini)
Özdikmen, H. | 1686 Downloads. |
Pathogenicity of the entomopathogenic fungus, Purpureocillium lilacinum TR1 against the Black Cherry Aphid, Myzus cerasi Fabricus (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
Kepenekci, İ., Yesilayer, A., Atay, T., Tulek, A. | 1915 Downloads. |
A new Linyphia Latreille, 1804 (Araneae: Linyphiidae) from West Bengal, India
Roy, T. K., Sen, S., Saha, S., Raychaudhuri, D. | 1595 Downloads. |
A short note on non-target Lepidoptera species collected by pheromone traps of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier, 1790) (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae) in İzmir province of Turkey
Çıtırıkkaya, B., Okyar, Z., Tezcan, S., Gülperçin, N. | 1548 Downloads. |
Corological notes on some species of Pygopleurus (Coleoptera: Glaphyridae) from the Greek Island of Lesbos
Bollino, M., Ruzzante, G. | 1632 Downloads. |
Parasitoids complex in summer populations of Asphondylia punica Marchal, 1897 (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on the Mediterranean Saltbush, Atriplex halimus L. (Chenopodiaceae) in Egypt, with descriptions of new species from Eupelmidae and Eulophidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea)
Doğanlar, M., Elsayed, A. K. | 1411 Downloads. |
Predation on recent Marine and Fresh-Water Ostracod populations of The Central Region of The Republic Argentina
Kihn, R. G., Gómez, E. A. | 1476 Downloads. |
A contribution to West Aegean Region Tabanidae Fauna (Insecta: Diptera)
Altunsoy, F., Kılıç, A. Y. | 1484 Downloads. |
Identification of the intestinal microbial community of Eisenia andrei (Annelida: Lumbricidae) raised in different substrates
Picón, M. C., Teisaire, E. S., Zutara, M. S., Giunta, S. A. | 2237 Downloads. |
Research of aquatic Coleoptera fauna of The Inner Western Anatolia, Part - I (Adephaga)
Darılmaz, M., Kıyak, S. | 1520 Downloads. |
Description of a new species of Harmochirus Simon (Araneae: Salticidae) from South India
Caleb, J.T.D, Mathai, M.T. | 1701 Downloads. |
A contribution of Turkish longhorned beetles fauna from Bursa (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
Tekin, K., Özdikmen, H. | 1476 Downloads. |
Observatins on distribution and biology of Aglais cashmirensis Kollar (Indian Tortoiseshell) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) from Kashmir Valley, J&K (India)
Qureshi, A. A., Bhagat, R. C. | 1510 Downloads. |
Invasive plant pests (Insecta and Acarina) of Turkey
Öztemiz, S., Doğanlar, M. | 1714 Downloads. |
Comparative economics of commercial young silkworm reared worms per 100 dfls in South India
Kumari, K. M. V. | 1466 Downloads. |
Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) javeti Kraatz, 1873 rest. nov. (Cerambycidae)
Özdikmen, H., Kaya, G. | 1513 Downloads. |
Diversity of Pyrrhocoroidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of Madhya Pradesh, India
Chandra, K., Biswas, B., Kushwaha, S. | 1657 Downloads. |
Staphylinidae, Scarabaeidae, Dermestidae and Curculionidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) first record, from Kargil (Ladakh), J&K-India
Feroz, M., Tara, J. S., Azam, M., Ramamurthy, V. V. | 1474 Downloads. |
Sighting of blue-spotted crow Euploea mulciber mulciber (Cramer), 1777 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Danainae) in Punjab, India
Shrama, N. | 1436 Downloads. |
Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) gebzeense Breuning, 1974 rest. nov. (Cerambycidae)
Özdikmen, H., Kaya, G. | 1396 Downloads. |
New information on Annandaliella travancorica Hirst, 1909 from Western Ghats of India (Araneae: Theraphosidae)
Sunil, J. K., Prasanth, M. T. | 1470 Downloads. |
First record of Greenidea ficicola (Takahashi, 1921) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) from Tartous, Syria
Ali, A. Y. | 1579 Downloads. |
A little known species Pontania proxima (Serville, 1823) (Hymenoptera: Symphyta: Tenthredinidae) from Turkey
Katılmış, Y., Kıyak, S. | 1525 Downloads. |
Dorcadion (Maculatodorcadion) phrygicum Peks, 1993 stat. nov. (Cerambycidae)
Özdikmen, H., Kaya, G. | 1582 Downloads. |
Four new records of Oak Gall Wasp (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae, Cynipini) from Turkey
Azmaz, M., Katılmış, Y. | 1418 Downloads. |
Pentatomidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of Aras Free Zone and vicinity, NW Iran
Havaskary, M., Pour Abad, R. F., Khajeh, R. S. | 1481 Downloads. |
Observations on the overwintering forms of Scolytus amygdali (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Tunisia
Zeiri, A., Ayberk, H., Buhroo, A. A., Braham, M. | 1527 Downloads. |
Biology and morphometry of Spodoptera litura Fabricus, a serious defoliator of Mango (Mangifera indica) in Jammu Region (J&K)
Gupta, M., Tara, J. S., Sharma, S., Bala, A. | 1578 Downloads. |
Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) obsoletum Kraatz, 1873 rest. nov. (Cerambycidae)
Özdikmen, H., Kaya, G. | 1544 Downloads. |
Regulation of tweedle cuticular protein gene expression at the pre-pupal stage in wing discs of Bombyx mori
Ali, Md. S., Swapon, A. H. | 1737 Downloads. |
Fauna of plant bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) from Jolfa and vicinity, NW Iran
Havaskary, M., Pour Abad, R. F., Rafiee, A. | 1537 Downloads. |
Oberea (Amaurostoma) erythrocephala amanica Holzschuh, 1993 rest. nov. (Cerambycidae: Lamiinae)
Özdikmen, H., Cihan, N. | 1364 Downloads. |
Evaluation of egg preservation schedules for bivoltine breeds of the mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mori L.
Singh, R., Reddy, G. V., Kumari, K. M. V., Angadi, B. S., Sivaprasad, V. | 1960 Downloads. |
Biodiversity of Thysanoptera in the Sistan region of Iran
Zolfaghari, M., Ravan, S., Moghadam, A. F., Rashid, B. | 1493 Downloads. |
Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) paracinerarium Breuning, 1974 rest. nov. (Cerambycidae)
Özdikmen, H., Kaya, G. | 1408 Downloads. |
Selection of promising bivoltine breeds and hybrids of the mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mori L.
Singh, R., Gangopadhyay, D., Nirupama, R. | 1346 Downloads. |
Biostatistics of Trissolcus vassilievi (Hym., Scelionidae) developed on sunn pest eggs cold-stored for different durations
Molaei, P. B., Iranipour, S., Asgari, S. | 1458 Downloads. |
Dorcadion muchei Breuning, 1962 rest. nov. and Dorcadion subatritarse Breuning, 1962 rest. nov. (Cerambycidae)
Özdikmen, H., Kaya, G. | 1488 Downloads. |
Identification of multivoltine breeds and multivoltine × bivoltine hybrids of the silkworm, Bombyx mori L. through subordinate function index method
Singh, R., Gangopadhyay, D., Nirupama, R. | 1406 Downloads. |
A new synonym of Cortodera rufipes (Kraatz, 1876) (Cerambycidae: Lepturinae)
Özdikmen, H., Cihan, N. | 1538 Downloads. |
Ostracods of quaternary sediments of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Kihn, R. G., Gómez, E. A. | 1449 Downloads. |
A new synonym of Dorcadion (Cribridorcadion) andirinense Bernhauer & Peks, 2011 (Cerambycidae)
Özdikmen, H. | 1463 Downloads. |
Contributions of the longhorned beetles knowledge of Turkey by the subfamilies Aseminae, Saphaninae, Spondylidinae, Cerambycinae and Stenopterinae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
Özbek, H., Özdikmen, H., Aytar, F. | 1394 Downloads. |
Holotype and paratypes designations of Phytoecia (Helladia) humeralis caneri Ozdikmen & Turgut, 2010 (Cerambycidae: Lamiinae)
Özdikmen, H. | 1385 Downloads. |