11 Mar 2025 Salı
Comparative economics of commercial young silkworm reared worms per 100 dfls in South India
Abstract :Rearing of young age silkworms up to II moult is called chawki rearing, which usually last up to 8 days. In sericulturally advanced countries, young age larvae are supplied to the farmers by Silkworm Seed Production Centres through well organized co-operative Commercial “Young Silkworm Rearing Centres” or “Chawki Rearing Centres”. The present investigation was carried out by data obtained from the Commercial Chawki Rearing Centres (CRCs) in Southern India comprising three states namely Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu during 2006. The data were analysed using budgetary method and cost concepts. Detailed study of the economics per 100 dfls (disease free layings) revealed that the major economic factor contributing for the total cost of production was recurring cost, which was found to be 94.3%, 82% and 91% in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu states respectively. Another important item was cost of chawki rearing equipment, which was worked out to about 5.7% (Karnataka), 18% (Andhra Pradesh) and 9% (Tamil Nadu). Cost of production, sale of chawki worms and net income were found to be higher in Tamil Nadu than the other two states.
Chawki worms, Chawki Rearing Centre, Cost of Production, dfls (disease free layings) and South India