27 Mar 2025 Perşembe
Various observations on some biological characters of Allantus viennensis (Schrank, 1781) (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinoidea: Tenthredinidae) in South-Eastern Turkey
Abstract :The present study was carried out in Diyarbakır (Kayapınar district) province in South-eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey in 2019. Larvae and eggs of Tenthredinidae family was collected on Rosa spp. in Diyarbakır province of Turkey during October-November and brought to the laboratory for rearing. The larvae were reared in climatic chambers set 16 hours a day at 26±1 °C, 65±5 relative humidity and 3500 lux lighting. The species obtained as a result of the study was determined as Allantus viennensis (Schrank, 1781) (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinoidea: Tenthredinidae). In addition, the biology, ecology and morphological characters of the pest on rose plants have also been observed in the rose garden.
Allantus viennensis, Tenthredinidae, Rosa spp., biology, ecology, Diyarbakır