Updated checklist of earthworm family Moniligastridae (Annelida: Clitellata: Oligochaeta) in India

Abstract : The present article deals with the earthworm diversity of the family Moniligastridae in India. A total of 95 species of earthworms described under three genera are listed. The maximum number of species of earthworms were recorded in Kerala (41 species) followed by Tamil Nadu (40 species), Karnataka (24 species), Assam (12 species), Arunachal Pradesh (11 species) and 1-8 species in other states and union territories. So far, no faunal surveys of earthworms have been conducted in Gujarat and Chhattisgarh states of India. Most of the grasslands, agricultural fields, forests, etc. are still virgin regarding the faunal survey programmes and need intensive and extensive survey programmes in those areas by keen workers.
Keyword : Earthworms checklist, faunal distribution, Moniligastridae, India
Author(s) : Singh, P. K., Singh, K.
Downloads : 35
Published Issue : 2023 Vol. 18 Number 2

2023 Vol. 18 Number 2