28 Mar 2025 Cuma
Turkish members of the genus Anoplodera Mulsant (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lepturinae) with new host plants and new distributional records
Abstract : The detection of cerambycids and their feeding preferences within the natural ecosystems is of great ecological and economic importance. Accordingly, the paper presents all taxa of Turkish Anoplodera with new data on their feeding preferences and distribution patterns for the first time collectively. It is determined that Turkish Anoplodera includes four species-group taxa of two species in the nominate subgenus. The host range of all species-group taxa of the genus is expanded by determining four new host plants as Quercus coccifera Linnaeus for Anoplodera rufipes lucidipes Sama, Quercus cerris Linnaeus for Anoplodera rufipes rufipes (Schaller), Quercus pubescens Willdenow for Anoplodera rufipes ventralis Heyden, and Picea orientalis Carrière for Anoplodera sexguttata (Fabricius). Similarly, the distribution range of all species-group taxa of the genus is also expanded by determining four new records. Anoplodera rufipes rufipes (Schaller) is newly recorded from Kırklareli province in European Turkey part of Turkey. Anoplodera rufipes lucidipes Sama for Adıyaman and Konya provinces, Anoplodera rufipes ventralis Heyden for Artvin, Çorum, Giresun, Kütahya and Tokat provinces, and Anoplodera sexguttata (Fabricius) for Bolu province are the first records.