The use of yellow sticky traps to determine adult emergence periods and natural enemy species of Cimbex quadrimaculata (Müller, 1766) (Hymenoptera: Cimbicidae)

Abstract : This paper investigated the emergence period of the adult Cimbex quadrimaculata (Müller, 1766) in wild almond trees in the Keban and Eğil districts in 2019. The study also analyzed the natural enemy species caught in the traps. The study further examined whether the yellow traps on the trunks caught these species during the emergence of the adults pupating in the soil and determined the difference in capture efficiency between the traps on the trunks and those on the tree branches. Four adhesives were installed at the budding, leaf expansion and maturation of almond trees foliation stages used in the research. The research was carried out on on five trees each in Elazığ (Keban) and Diyarbakır (Eğil) orchards. 20x25 cm2 yellow colored visual traps were hunged on each of the four directions of the trees. The efficiency of the traps in capturing C. quadrimaculata adults was examined. C. quadrimaculata adults were caught in very few numbers on the yellow sticky traps at the beginning of foliation in both locations. No adults were caught in the traps at mid and late stages of foliation. The number of adults caught in the traps were quite low and they were caught by chance, suggesting that yellow is not a very effective color for attracting Cimbex quadrimaculata. However, even if caught by chance, it is important to follow the traps hung at the beginning of leafing in order to determine the first emergence of the pest or its flight in nature. The number of natural enemies caught in the yellow sticky traps in mid and late foliation stages were much higher than at the beginning of foliation. The species captured were general predators, the natural enemies of aphids and other soft-bodied pests of almonds. Phobetes spp. was caught at the beginning of foliation at the Keban location and at the beginning and middle of foliation at the Eğil location. It is thought to be parasitizing on the larvae of the pest. Although the number of C. quadrimacıulata adults caught in the yellow sticky traps were low, the results can be diversified by increasing the number of traps in the future, by hanging traps on different dates, in different shades of yellow color and on the edge host plants of almond plantations. More detailed information on the flight directions, trap color preferences and flight characteristics of pest adults can be obtained. The results will contribute to integrated almond pests management studyies.
Keyword : Cimbex quadrimaculata, yellow sticky trap, pest emergence, phenology, natural enemies
Author(s) : Özgen, İ., Topdemir, A.
Downloads : 16
Published Issue : 2025 Vol. 20 Number 1

2025 Vol. 20 Number 1