09 Mar 2025 Pazar
The correlation of proximate composition of cassava leaf with Eri-silkworm / Samia cynthia ricini Boisduval / characteristics
Abstract : Feed sources and nutritive contents of the foliage have impact on the growth and development of eri-silkworm. The experiment was initiated at Jimma in 2016/2017 with the objective of evaluating cassava varieties (Qulle and Kello) for their proximate composition content and their relationship with eri silkworm characteristics. Cassava leaves harvested from the field experiment (10 plots) were arranged in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications and their effect on Eri-silkworm characteristics was evaluated. The relationship of proximate composition of leaves with silkworm characteristics was also determined by using Pearson correlation coefficient analysis. Overall data Analysis was carried out by using SAS software at 5% probability level. Finally, the leaves of these varieties (Kello and Qulle) showed significant differences among themselves in their proximate compositions. Their effect on rearing performance of eri silkworms was also statistically different when they were fed. Off cassava varieties tested, variety Kello was found to be superior compared to Qulle by revealing a silkworm rearing performance indicators of hatchability (90.23 %), fecundity (366.2 eggs/female), shorter larval duration (18.46 days), better larval weight (6.27gm), survival rate (92.66%), cocoon weight (3.44 gm), single shell weight (0.47gm), pupal weight (2.96gm) and effective rate of rearing (89%). In terms of biochemical composition, kello leaves had higher moisture content (0.438%), ash (18.541 %) and crude fat (16.69%). Higher crude fiber (16.248%) and total carbohydrate (27.234%) were gained from Qulle variety. Furthermore, positive correlation was observed between eri-silkworm traits and nitrogen, protein, moisture, fat and carbohydrate content of the leaves. On the other hand, negative correlation was observed with fiber content of the leaves except for larval duration. Therefore, it can be concluded that nutritive contents of cassava leaves determine to the gains on important eri silkworm parameters when theses leaves served as feed sources. As a result, this proximate composition can be recommended as basic parameters for evaluation of cassava varieties for eri silkworms rearing in the future.