27 Mar 2025 Perşembe
Taxonomic status of the European genera of Travuniidae (Arachnida, Opiliones, Laniatores)
Abstract :The taxonomic status of the generic names of European Travuniidae is studied. Although the generic name Abasola Strand, 1928 is widely used, Travunia Absolon, 1920 is a valid replacement name for Absolonia Roewer, 1915, junior homonym of Absolonia Börner, 1901 (Collembola), while Abasola is a superfluous replacement name for the same. Type species of Travunia is Absolonia troglodytes Roewer, 1915. Travunia anophthalma Absolon, 1920 is an objective synonym of Absolonia troglodytes Roewer, 1915. The authorship of Dinaria is Roewer, 1935 (who first provided a formal proposal of the generic name as such), not Hadzi, 1932 (who cited this as a nomen nudum). Type species of Dinaria is Travunia vjetrenicae Hadzi, 1932. Peltonychia Roewer, 1935 and Kratochviliola Roewer, 1935 are unavailable names, being published after 1930 without an explicit designation of a type species among the species originally included. Since it was based on an unavailable name, Peltonychiinae Kratochvíl, 1958 is also unavailable. The authorship of Peltonychia must be credited to Martens, 1978 (who first gave a diagnosis and designated a type species), but the available generic name Hadziana Roewer, 1935, currently under the synonymy of Peltonychia, has priority and must be used instead of it, with Hadziana postumicola Roewer, 1935 as type species. The correct name of a superfamily including the Travuniidae and the Triaenonychidae should be Triaenonychoidea, not Travunioidea. The following new combinations are made: Abasola sarea Roewer, 1935, is newly combined as Hadziana sarea; Phalangodes navarica Simon, 1879 (currently Kratochviliola navarica) is newly combined as Hadziana navarica; Abasola hofferi Šilhavı, 1937 is newly combined as Travunia hofferi; Phalangodes claviger Simon, 1879 (currently Peltonychia clavigera) is newly combined as Hadziana clavigera; Peltonychia gabria Roewer, 1935 is newly combined as Hadziana gabria; Scotolemon leprieurii Lucas, 1860 (currently Peltonychia leprieurii) is newly combined as Hadziana leprieurii; Scotolemon piochardi Simon, 1872 (currently Peltonychia piochardi) is newly combined as Hadziana piochardi and Peltonychia tenuis Roewer, 1935 is newly combined as Hadziana tenuis.
Laniatores, Phalangodidae, Karst, hypogean fauna, Europe, Alps, Dinarids, Pyrenees