Substitutional names and new combinations for taxa of Ostracoda (Arthropoda: Crustacea)

Abstract :

For junior primary homonyms of ostracod genera the following substitutional names are proposed: Uralinova nom. nov. for Uralina Rozhdestvenskaya, 1962; Vanalabianom. nov. for Vania Kruta & Siveter, 1998; Kunluniacypris nom. nov. for Kunlunia Jiang & Lin, 1995. For junior primary homonyms of ostracod species the following substitutional names are proposed: Cypris methueni nom. nov. for Cypris tuberculata Methuen, 1910; Procytherura erichbrandi nom. nov. for Procytherura reticulata Brand, 1990; Paradoxostoma mostafawii nom. nov. for Paradoxostoma ensiformis (recte: ensiforme) Mostafawi, Nabavi & Moghaddasi, 2010; Paradoxostoma lucasae nom. nov. for Paradoxostoma cuneata (recte: cuneatum) Lucas, 1931; Trachyleberis abkhaziana nom. nov. for Trachyleberis quadrata Imnadze, 1975;  Agrenocythere ciampoi nom. nov. for Agrenocythere bensoni Ciampo, 1981. In addition, 77 new combinations for ostracod species are proposed

Keyword :

Ostracoda, nomenclatural changes, junior homonyms, replacement names, new combinations

Author(s) : Kempf, E. K.
Downloads : 1417
Published Issue : 2015 Vol. 10 Number 2

2015 Vol. 10 Number 2