06 Şub 2025 Perşembe
Substitute names for four preoccupied millipede genera (Diplopoda)
Abstract :Four junior homonyms were detected among the millipedes genera and the following replacement names are proposed: Order Polydesmida: Vigilia nom. nov. pro Curimagua Hoffman, 1982; Delirus nom. nov. pro Cylindromus Loomis, 1977 and Lippus nom. nov. pro Paratylopus Korsos & Golovatch, 1989; Order Spirostreptida : Umbraticus nom. nov. pro Tomogonus Demange, 1971. Accordingly, new combinations are herein proposed for the species currently included in these genera respectively: Vigilia granulata (Hoffman, 1982) comb. nov.; Delirus uniporus (Loomis, 1977) comb. nov.; Lippus strongylosomoides (Korsos & Golovatch, 1989) comb. nov.; Umbraticus implicatus (Demange, 1978) comb. nov.; Umbraticus intortus (Demange, 1971) comb. nov.; Umbraticus involutus (Demange & Mauries, 1975) comb. nov.; Umbraticus lamottei (Demange & Mauries, 1975) comb. nov.; Umbraticus schuberti (Demange & Mauries, 1975) comb. nov. and Umbraticus subgrundus (Demange, 1971) comb. nov.
nomenclatural changes, homonymy, replacement names, Diplopoda