Studies on the long-term preservation method of Muga Cocoon (Antheraea assamensis Helfer) at low temperature

Abstract :

A study was made to develop a suitable long term seed cocoon preservation method for skipping unfavorable Aherua pre-seed crop of Muga silkworm by postponing moth emergence. Muga silkworm seed cocoons of 8 days old were subjected to the low temperatures at 7.5±1°C and 10±1°C in BOD incubator for long term preservation of 32 to 52 days following the double step preservation method. The results indicated that muga seed cocoons can efectively be preserved at 10±1°C for 42 days without affecting the grainage parameters measured for seed production

Keyword :

Muga silkworm, Antheraea assamensis, seed coccons, preservation

Author(s) : Rajkhowa, G., Kumar, R., Rajan, R. K.
Downloads : 2132
Published Issue : 2011 Vol. 6 Number 2

2011 Vol. 6 Number 2