26 Mar 2025 Çarşamba
Structure of lepidopterocenoses on oaks Quercus dalechampii and Q. cerris in Central Europe and estimation of the most important species
Abstract :On the basis of lepidopterous larvae a total of 96 species on Quercus dalechampii and 58 species on Q. cerris were recorded in 10 study plots of Malé Karpaty and Trnavská pahorkatina hills. The families Geometridae, Noctuidae and Tortricidae encompassed the highest number of found species. The most recorded species belonged to the trophic group of generalists. On the basis of total abundance of lepidopterous larvae found on Q. dalechampii from all the study plots the most abundant species was evidently Operophtera brumata. The most abundant species on Q. cerris was Cyclophora ruficiliaria. Based on estimated oak leaf area consumed by a larva it is shown that Lymantria dispar was the most important leaf-chewing species of both Q. dalechampii and Q. cerris
Slovakia, Quercus dalechampii, Q. cerris, the most important species