29 Mar 2025 Cumartesi
Species composition and diversity of microarthropods in a petroluem hydrocarbon remediated soil in alode-eleme, Nigeria
Abstract :A decline of microarthropods which are soil health indicators, is usually as a result of disturbances emanating from different sources leading to a decline in ecosystem processes. A study of microarthropod species in a soil disturbed by petroleum hydrocarbon from oil pipelines and remediated was undertaken in Alode-Eleme, Rivers State, Nigeria. The microarthropods were collected with a bucket auger at a depth of 5cm and 10cm respectively, at three different locations; non-oil polluted station (NPS), oil polluted station (OPS), and remediated oil polluted station (ROPS) of the study area. The microarthropods, were extracted from the soils with a Berlese-Tullgren funnels and were identified with the aid of a dissecting microscope. The soil samples were also assessed for some selected soil physicochemical parameters. Shannon and Simpson index, showed that species diversity, dominance and richness were more in NPS, ROPS and OPS in a descending order, irrespective of the soil depths. However, a reverse order of evenness of species was noted in OPS, ROPS, and NPS irrespective of soil depths. A T-test statistic based on Shannon index showed that diversity was significantly different (p<0.05) at 5cm and 10cm depths respectively. Conversely, diversity based on Simpson index, showed that OPS and ROPS were not significantly different (p> 0.05) at both depths. The analysis of variance and multiple comparison test result, revealed that there was a significant difference in the effect of petroleum hydrocarbon on the selected soil parameters; temperature, pH, moisture content, total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH), total organic carbon (TOC), total organic matter (TOM), Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in the soil samples. The lower composition of the microatrhropods in OPS and ROPS, as compared to NPS was as a result of the impact of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination of the soil samples which in ROPS is reduced, due to the enhancement of attenuation process by the remediation program. Hence, the usefulness of the microarthropods as monitor and indicator species of soil health is recommended.
Microarthropods, species diversity, oil pollution, bioindicator, soil health