Some of hoverflies fauna of subfamily Milesiinae (Diptera: Syrphidae) of Quri¬gol in East Azerbayjan province, Northwest Iran

Abstract :

In this study, the collected specimens belonged to the subfamily of Milesiinae from the surrounding of Qurigol lake in East Azerbayjan province, Northwest Iran, during 2008-2009 were evaluated. Totally 17 species arranged in 10 genera were identified which two of them Lejogaster nigricans (Meigen, 1822) and Mallota auricoma Sack, 1910 were determined as first records for the Iran insect fauna

Keyword :

Syrphidae, Milesiinae, Fauna, New records, Qurigol, Iran

Author(s) : Khaghaninia, S., Pour Abad, R. F., Ehteshamnia, N.
Downloads : 2187
Published Issue : 2010 Vol. 5 Suppl.

2010 Vol. 5 Suppl.