29 Mar 2025 Cumartesi
Some data for the color/pattern polymorphism of Philaenus spumarius (L.) (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae) in Sinop population, Turkey
Abstract :The color/pattern polymorphism of Philaenus
spumarius L. (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae) was investigated in Sinop, Turkey
(West- Black Sea Region). 660 adult spittlebugs were analyzed according to
their phenotype and phenotype frequency in Sinop populations. The adult
spittlebugs were collected between April-September 2016. In the study area
eight different phenotypes; three of them which were non melanics and five
melanics were detected. Non melanics are POP (populus), TYP (typicus) ve TRI (trilineatus); melanics are MAR (marginellus), LAT (lateralis), FLA (flavicollis),
LCE (leucopthalmus) and QUA (quadromaculatus). Without sex difference, non melanic frequency
was 94.55% and melanic frequency was 5.45% in Sinop populations and melanic
forms limited to females. TYP is predominant in females whereas POP in males.
Philaenus spumarius, color polymorphism,
Sinop, Turkey