12 Mar 2025 Çarşamba
Selection of polyvoltine breeds and polyvoltine × bivoltine hybrids of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori L.
Abstract :Identification of promising silkworm breeds and polyvoltine × bivoltine hybrids was carried out utilizing three statistical tools viz., multiple traits evaluation indices, combining ability and hybrid vigour. Out of four polyvoltine silkworm breeds, DNP1 was found promising based on its performance and multiple traits evaluation indices exhibiting maximum values for seven characters viz., pupation rate, cocoon yield/10,000 larvae by weight, cocoon shell weight, cocoon shell %, filament length, raw silk percentage and neatness followed by DNP3 which exhibited higher values for three characters viz., fecundity, cocoon weight and reelability. DNP1 exhibited maximum general combining ability (GCA) effects for five characters viz., pupation rate, cocoon shell weight, cocoon shell %, raw silk % and neatness. Out of sixteen polyvoltine × bivoltine hybrids, DNP1 × CSR2 recorded maximum values for four characters viz., cocoon shell weight, cocoon shell %, raw silk % and neatness analyzed through their rearing performance and evaluation indices followed by DNP3 × CSR17 which exhibited maximum values for three characters namely, cocoon yield/10,000 larvae by weight, cocoon weight and reelability. DNP4 × CSR4 expressed maximum specific combining ability (SCA) effects for three characters namely, cocoon yield/10,000 larvae by weight, reelability and raw silk % whereas DNP2 × CSR4 manifested higher hybrid vigour for three characters viz., pupation rate, reelability and neatness
Bombyx mori, hybrid vigour, combining ability, multiple traits evaluation indices, rearing performance, polyvoltine silkworm breeds / hybrids