Seasonal abundance and population indices of spider fauna in Monsoon seasons of the years 2013 to 2016 from different habitats of Eastern Region of Rajasthan, India

Abstract :

The spiders of Eastern region of Rajasthan were studied in Monsoon seasons from 2013 to 2016. July, August, September and October months were included in this season. Monthly Collections were made in three year’s Monsoon season. During the present investigation we have recorded 43 species from 35 genera 16 families from monsoon Seasons of the year 2013 to 2016. Most species of spider found belonged to family Araenidae followed by Salticidae.  Spiders were collected by using different methods and techniques. Higher abundance of spider was recorded during the month of October. The relative abundance of spiders in the season was in the order of: October> July> August> September. The high species diversity of spiders in said area can be attributed to the high diversity of plants and insects.This is the first report of the spider fauna from eastern region of Rajasthan

Keyword :

Spiders, Monsoon, seasonal abundance, population indices

Author(s) : Lawania, K. K., Mathur, P.
Downloads : 657
Published Issue : 2018 Vol. 13 Number 1

2018 Vol. 13 Number 1