14 Mar 2025 Cuma
Researches on bioecology of the giant pine scale, Marchalina hellenica Gennadius (Hemiptera: Marchalinidae) and relation with its predator Neoleucopis kartliana (Tanasijtshuk) (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae)
Abstract :Marchalina hellenica, is a beneficial insect species that sucks the sap of pine trees and plays an important role in pine honey production. The bioecology of M. hellenica was investigated in seven experimental areas in three different districts of Turkey namely; Muğla, Aydın and Antalya between 2009-2011. In each sampling area, five Turkish pines (Pinus brutia) infected with M. hellenica (approximately 15-20 years old and 5-6 m high) were selected and marked. The fluctuation of its population, its relationship with its predator (Neoleucopis kartliana) and honeydew exudates periods were examined. Adult females were observed from the end of March to the beginning of April and oviposition begun at the beginning of April. Average eggs number of M. hellenica varied between 203,3 ± 46,6 -272,8 ± 57,4 (2009) and 232,1 ± 44,7- 280,8 ± 48,6 (2010). Crawlers appeared in the first week of May. 2nd-instar begun to be visible at the end of August, and 3rd- instar nymphs replaced them at the end of October-at the beginning of November. 3rd_instar nymphs dominated the population from mid-October-early November until the first week of May. First honeydew secretion increased depending on the climate conditions and the number nymphs starting from mid-September, and continued until the end of November. Second honeydew secretion occurred in March-May. The population densities of M. hellenica decreased due to high death levels in 1st instar nymphs which were affected by the increased temperature and activities of predator N. kartliana that its larvae were fed on nymphs and adults scale insects. The predator’s larvae overwintered under the white cottony filaments of the host along with mainly the 3rd instar nymphs of M. hellenica. Since generations of predator overlapped, it was estimated that at least three generations occurred per year in Turkey. Predator pupa were parasitized by Chartocerus kurdjumovi.
Forest, honeydew, pine honey, predator, Turkey, Turkish pine