29 Mar 2025 Cumartesi
Research of aquatic Coleoptera fauna of the inner Western Anatolia, Part - II (Coleoptera: Helophoridae, Hydrochidae and Hydrophilidae)
Abstract :5185
specimens belonging to the superfamily of the Hydrophiloidea were collected by
area studies between April-September in 2007-2009 in provinces of Afyon,
Denizli, Kütahya and Uşak located in the Inner Western Anatolia. As a result of
identification of these specimens, 66 species group taxa (65 species and one
subspecies) of 18 genera of three families belong to the order Coleoptera were
determined (Helophoridae 20 species; Hydrochidae 3 species; Hydrophilidae 42
species and one subspecies)
Coleoptera, fauna, Inner Western Anatolia, Turkey