Provincial and regional distribution of the members of tribe Certallini Fairmaire (Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae) in Turkey with new records, and known and new host plants

Abstract : The paper presents provincial and regional distributions in Turkey of the members of Certallini tribe with their host plants. Cartallum laevicolle Pic, 1895 that was a synonym of C. thoracicum (Sharp, 1880), is regarded as a subspecies of this species as Certallum thoracicum laevicolle (Pic, 1895) stat. nov. As a result, a total of 3 species-group taxa (2 species and 1 non-nominal subspecies) of one genus were determined and evaluated with their distributions in Turkey and their all host plants. In terms of range of provincial and modern regional distribution in Turkey, C. ebulinum with 39 provinces and 7 regions is strikingly prevailing. C. thoracicum thoracicum with 18 provinces and 4 regions follow it. On the contrary of this, C. thoracium laevicolle is known only from one province and one region now. Similarly, in terms of number of recorded classical regions in Turkey, C. ebulinum with 18 concepts are strikingly prevailing. C. thoracicum thoracicum with 10 concepts follow it. On the contrary of this, C. thoracium laevicolle is known only from one concept now. Moreover, according to the present study, the distribution range of all species-group taxa in Turkey is expanded by determining new provincial records for them. Among them, C. thoracium laevicolle is new to Turkey, and therefore Mardin province. Also, C. ebulinum is recorded for the first time from Kastamonu, Sivas and Tokat provinces, while C. thoracicum thoracicum is recorded for the first time from Hatay, Kilis, Mardin, Şanlıurfa provinces. With the present study, host plants of 2 species-group taxa are determined. These are polyphagous in herbaceous plants as C. ebulinum with 9 plant species of 3 different plant families and C. thoracicum thoracicum with 4 plant species of 3 different plant families. Host plants of C. thoracium laevicolle is unknown. In addition, the host range of C. thoracicum thoracicum is expanded by determining new host plants. Asteraceae (Achillea millefolium), Brassicaceae (Hirschfeldia sp.) and Fabaceae (Spartium junceum) are the first detection as host plants for this subspecies. Finally, the chorotypes of all species-group taxa are determined as related to Mediterranean chorotype. Also, Turkish Certallini has no any endemic.
Keyword : Cerambycidae, Certallini, Certallum, fauna, new subspecies, provincial and regional records, host plants, Turkey
Author(s) : Özdikmen, H.
Downloads : 34
Published Issue : 2024 Vol. 19 Supplement

2024 Vol. 19 Supplement