06 Şub 2025 Perşembe
Propolis: A wonderful apiculture product to combat viral infections (SARS-CoV2)
Abstract : Propolis is a product of honeybees having complex composite chemical composition; bees manufacture it from gummy and balsamic material collected from sprouts, flower-buds, trees and other vegetal-tissue resinous exudates. Primarily bees use propolis to seal their hive in order to protect themselves from insects and microorganisms and to sterilize the queen-bee posture site, and to mummify insect invaders. Like other honeybee products (honey, royal jelly, pollen), due to the presence of various phytochemicals in propolis, it has been used against the treatment of different health ailments, since 300 years B.C. propolis has been used as a remedy in various parts of the world. Propolis is a wonderful bee product used in the formulation of different drugs from past decades. Various product based products are available in market having excellent commercial viability in entire world viz. “candies, chocolate bars, shampoos, skin lotions, antiseptic mixtures, and toothpastes”. Propolis is a well known immune modulator by boosting the immune system and protects from various pathogenic attacks. This immune modulatory property of propolis is due to its inherent antibiotic activity, which helps to block the genomic replication of viruses, bacteria and other organisms. Considering these beneficial effects of propolis, it might be inferred that it could help to human beings from COVID-19 infection. Present review article was designed to summarize and develop correlation between infectious diseases and therapeutic role of propolis with special emphasizes on SARS-CoV2.