29 Mar 2025 Cumartesi
Physicochemical parameters of Ogun River sampled at selected points during the rainy season
Abstract :The
river system constitutes a major source of freshwater supply and no human or
animal can survive without it on earth as it constantly replenishes the fluids
lost through normal physiological activities like respiration. The study was designed to determine the
physicochemical parameters of Ogun River at some selected points;Iberekodo, Ago Ika, Enugada,
Sokori and Arakanga in Abeokuta. Sampling was conducted during the rainy season
over a period of four months from May to August. Water and sediment samples
were collected from the different points. The sediments were collected few
distances away from the shore using a grappler. The pH and temperature of the
river water was done in-situ using a digital pocket pH meter and mercury glass
thermometer respectively. Total Dissolved Solids and Electrical conductivity
was done in-situ using a digital pocket pH meter. Nitrate and phosphate was
determined using H83200 multiparameter HANNA instrument. Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
was determined using Winklers method. All sampling were replicated thrice. The pH and phosphate ranges obtained in
this study were higher than all the standards; water temperature, TDS, BOD,
Nitrate, and EC ranges were below the standards. The DO was within the
standards with a higher upper limit. In conclusion, going by this study, though
Ogun River was not heavily polluted compared to the standards of WHO and
NESREA, fluctuation of the investigated parameters at the sampling sites could
therefore be as result of constant dilution of the river by rainfall and
on-going daily human activities at the sites
River, physicochemical, rainy season, total dissolved solids