On the Buprestidae (Coleoptera) Species of Almond Orchards in the Southeastern and Eastern Anatolia in Turkey

Abstract :

The faunistic study on buprestids, conducted during 2002-2004 in the Southeastern and Eastern Anatolia Region in Turkey. In this study 17 Buprestid species, spread areas and abundance were determined in Almond orchards in Turkey. Those species were Agrilus roscidus Kiesenweter, Anthaxia armeniaca Obenberger, Anthaxia lucens Küster, Anthaxia tractata Abeille de Perin, Aurigena lugubris longcicollis Kraatz, Capnodis tenebricosa (Oliver), Capnodis carbonaria (Klug), Chalcophorella quadrioculata (Redt.), Chalcophorella stigmatica (Schoenherr), Chrysobothris affinis (F.), Chrysobothris samai Curletti and Magnani, Julodis armeniaca Marseul, Meliboeus heydeni Abeille de Perin, Perotis lugubris Fabr. Ptosima flavoguttata (Illiger), Sphenoptera (Tropeopeltis) anthaxoides Reitter and Sphenoptera (Tropeopeltis) tappesi Marseul. In this study, A. roscidus, A. armeniaca A. lucens, A. tractata, A. lugubris longcicollis, C. carbonaria, C. quadrioculata, C. affinis, C. samai, J. armeniaca, M. heydeni, P. flavoguttata, S. anthaxoides and S. tappesi are presented here as a new record for the almond fauna in Turkey. Determined were high populations’ density of A. roscidus in Diyarbakır, Mardin and Elazığ

Keyword :

Almond, Buprestidae, new record, Turkey

Author(s) : Bolu, H., Özgen, İ.
Downloads : 2517
Published Issue : 2011 Vol. 6 Number 2

2011 Vol. 6 Number 2