Olfactory responses of Chaetoptelius vestitus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to hosts and conspecific odors

Abstract :

The twig borer, Chaetoptelius vestitus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is one of the most important pests of pistachio trees, Pistacia vera L. (Anacardiacae). Laboratory studies were undertaken to identify host plant semiochemicals that can be exploited and utilized to insect control. Pistachio tree is the natural host of this bark beetle suggesting that volatile compounds from odor of different parts of the plant may be attractive to this insect. The main goal of this research was to determine if host or conspecific odors can act as attractants to pistachio bark beetle. The olfactory responses of the pistachio bark beetle were tested with a Y-tube olfactometer. The odors included green and cut and / or dried buds, fresh or dried twigs, infested twigs and pistachio bark beetle and their feces. Stimuli were tested singly and in combinations. Using still-air bioassays, C. vestitus males proved to be the most attracted to fresh buds compared to cut and / or dried pistachio twigs suggesting the presence of host kairomones. The infested twigs were also found attractive for beetles in dual-choice tests. Males and females bark beetle feces attracted both male and female, indicating the existence of aggregation pheromones or allelochemicals (undigested plant compounds) in the feces. Further studies should be made to conclude the identities of these substances. Identification and synthesis of the semiochemicals that attract the pistachio bark beetle would allow developing new strategies for monitoring and controlling this pest

Keyword :

Pistacia vera L., pistachio bark beetle, behavior, host plant volatiles, olfactometer, attractant

Author(s) : Ghrissi, I., Braham, M., Said, I., Ayberk, H.
Downloads : 412
Published Issue : 2019 Vol. 14 Number 1

2019 Vol. 14 Number 1