Odonata fauna of Tokat province (Turkey)

Abstract :

In this study, odonatan specimens collected from the Tokat province in central part of Black Sea Region of Anatolia in 2005 and 2010 have been established faunistically. 30 species belonging to 8 families are found to be distributed in Tokat province. Among these, 2 species belong to Calopterygidae, 1 species to Euphaeidae, 3 species to Lestidae, 1 species to Platycnemididae, 7 species to Coenagrionidae, 3 species to Aeshnidae, 2 species to Gomphidae, 11 species to Libellulidae. All species were stated as the first records for Tokat province

Keyword :

Odonata, Fauna, Tokat, Turkey

Author(s) : Salur, A., Miroğlu, A., Okçu, B.
Downloads : 1932
Published Issue : 2012 Vol. 7 Number 1

2012 Vol. 7 Number 1