Odonata fauna in adjoining coastal areas of Purba Medinipur District, West Bengal, India

Abstract :

The Present study was carried out to reveal the odonate diversity in adjoining coastal areas of Purba Medinipur District, West Bengal, India. Study was carried out from January 2014 to January 2018. During the study period a total of 49 species belonging to 35 genera and 7 families were recorded, including addition of 24 species representing 20 genera and 6 families for the district. The maximum number of odonates were found in Libellulidae (n=27), followed by Coenagrionidae (n=12 species), Aeshnidae (n=4 species), Lestidae (n=2 species), Platycnemididae (n=2 species), Gomphidae (n=1 species) and Macromiidae (n=1 species). Among the 4 selected study sites, the highest number of odonate species was observed in S3 (n= 39) and lowest in S1 (n= 21). Out of the 49 Odonates recorded from the district, 48 species come under the IUCN Red List of Threatened Category. Among them 45 species come under Least Concern (LC) Category, three species under Data Deficient (DD) and One species Not evaluated.

Keyword :

Dragonfly, Damselfly, Diversity, Coastal area, Purba Medinipur

Author(s) : Payra, A., Tiple, A. D.
Downloads : 400
Published Issue : 2019 Vol. 14 Number 2

2019 Vol. 14 Number 2