Notes on longicorn beetles fauna of Turkey (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)

Abstract :

In the present paper specimens of the family Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) collection in the personal collection of Dr. Emine Demir (Ankara / Turkey) from Turkey were studied. New data are presented on Cerambycidae fauna in Turkey. The faunistic data on almost all species in the present paper add to the knowledge on their distribution in Turkey. As a result of the identification of these specimens three subspecies and forty nine species of thirty seven genera belonging to five subfamilies for Turkey, have been determined.

Keyword :

Prioninae, Lepturinae, Apatophyseinae, Cerambycinae, Lamiinae, Fauna of Turkey

Author(s) : Özdikmen, H., Demir, E.
Downloads : 3302
Published Issue : 2006 Vol. 1 Number 1

2006 Vol. 1 Number 1