28 Mar 2025 Cuma
Nomenclatural changes for a family group name and twelve genus group names in Acari
Abstract :Twelve junior homonyms were detected amongst the acarid genus group names and the following replacement names are proposed: Diasjatia nom. nov. for Fonsecaia Dias, 1963; Athiashenriotis nom. nov. for Arctopsis Athias-Henriot, 1973; Athiasodromus nom. nov. for Diadromus Athias-Henriot, 1960; Zachardaia nom. nov. for Krantzia Zacharda, 1983; Neomegaciella nom. nov. for Megaciella Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960; Echinacrus Kiefer, 1966 for Pentamerus Roivainen, 1951; Gaudiomouchetus nom. nov. for Xiphiurus Gaud & Mouchet, 1959; Dabertia nom. nov. for Longipedia Dabert, 1992; Pandionacarus Balogh, 1937 for Bonnetella Trouessart, 1924; Paschoalia nom. nov. for Nortonella Paschoal, 1982; Baloghates nom. nov. for Calobates Balogh, 1961 and Berniniella nom. nov. for Cavernella Bernini, 1975. Accordingly, new combinations are herein proposed for the species currently included in these genus group names respectively: Haemaphysalis (Diasjatia) montgomeryi (Nuttall, 1912) comb. nov. ; Athiashenriotis inexpectatus (Athias- Henriot, 1973) comb. nov. ; Phytoseius (Athiasodromus) tiguus (Chant, 1959) comb. nov.; Zachardaia quadriseta (Zacharda, 1983) comb. nov.; Blankaartia (Neomegaciella) dohanyi (Nadchatram & Goff, 1980) comb. nov.; Blankaartia (Neomegaciella) gracilis (Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960) comb. nov.; Echinacrus acaciae (Smith-Meyer, 1989) comb. nov.; Echinacrus meliae (Kuang-Haiyuan, 1998) comb. nov.; Echinacrus psophocarpi (Chandrapatya, 1992) comb. nov.; Echinacrus septemcarinatus (Liro, 1941) comb. nov.; Gaudiomouchetus xiphiurus (Trouessart, 1885) comb. nov.; Dabertia tricalcarata (Trouessart & Neumann, 1888) comb. nov.; Pandionacarus fuscus (Nitzsch, 1818) comb. nov.; Paschoalia gildersleeveae (Hammer, 1952) comb. nov.; Paschoalia helvetica (Woas, 1992) comb. nov.; Paschoalia mongolica (Bayartogtokh & Aoki, 1997) comb. nov.; Paschoalia polygrammus (Wen & Chen, 1992) comb. nov.; Paschoalia tectoria (Wen & Chen, 1992) comb. nov.; Paschoalia transitus (Aoki, 1984) comb. nov.; Baloghates (Baloghates) antichthon (Higgins, 1966) comb. nov.; Baloghates (Baloghates) ornatissimus (Balogh, 1959) comb. nov.; Baloghates (Baloghates) ornatus (Mahunka, 1986) comb. nov.; Baloghates (Baloghates) tuberculatus (Mahunka, 1988) comb. nov.; Baloghates (Protoripoda) elongatus (Oudemans, 1915) comb. nov.; Baloghates (Protoripoda) flagellatus (Choi, 1994) comb. nov.; Baloghates (Protoripoda) incurva (Berlese, 1916) comb. nov.; Baloghates (Protoripoda) insularis (Balogh, 1970) comb. nov.; Baloghates (Protoripoda) lineatus (Mahunka, 1988) comb. nov.; Baloghates (Protoripoda) woolleyi (Balogh, 1970) comb. nov.; Berniniella helenae (Bernini, 1975) comb. nov. A family group name Pandionacarinae nom. nov. is also proposed for Bonnetellinae Atyeo & Gaud, 1981.
nomenclatural changes, homonymy, replacement names, Acari