28 Mar 2025 Cuma
New substitute names for three preoccupied homopteran genera: Deltometopus Williams, 1977, Mariaella Szelegiewicz, 1961 and Progonus Popov, 1986 (Homoptera)
Abstract :Three junior homonyms were detected amongst the homopteran genera and the following replacement names are proposed: Williamsus nom. nov. for Deltometopus Williams, 1977; Szelegiewicziana nom. nov. for Mariaella Szelegiewicz, 1961; Popovus nom. nov. for Progonus Popov, 1986. Accordingly, new combinations are herein proposed for the species currently included in these genera: Williamsus maculata (Williams, 1977) comb. nov. and Williamsus paryphiceps (Williams, 1977) comb. nov. from Deltometopus Williams, 1977; Szelegiewiczia lambersi (Szelegiewicz, 1961) comb. nov. from Mariaella Szelegiewicz, 1961; Popovus pygmaeus (Popov, 1986) comb. nov. and Popovus similis (Popov, 1986) comb. nov. from Progonus Popov, 1986.
nomenclatural changes, homonymy, replacement names, Homoptera