New species of the genus Geholaspis Berlese, 1918 (Acari: Mesostigmata: Macrochelidae) for Turkish fauna from Kelkit valley

Abstract :

Geholaspis longispinosus (Kramer, 1876) collected from Kelkit Valley were described as a new species for Turkish fauna. Females, deutonymphs and protonymphs of G. longispinosus are presented here with diagnosis, descriptions and original drawings.

Keyword :

Acari, Mesostigmata, Macrochelidae, Geholaspis, Kelkit valley, Turkey.

Author(s) : Özbek, H. H., Bal, D. A.
Downloads : 1848
Published Issue : 2014 Vol. 9 Number 1

2014 Vol. 9 Number 1