New species of Ormyrus Westwood (Chalcidoidea: Ormyridae) from Uttarakhand, India emerged from the twig galls of Quercus leucotrichophora

Abstract : New species, Ormyrus leucotrichophora sp. nov. was reared from a twig gall induced by a gall-forming Cynipid Wasp on Qurecus leucotrichophora. Genus Ormyrus first time reported from Uttarakhand, India. This new species closely resembles O. secus Narendran in several morphological characteristics but differs by having coloration, gaster structure and wing setae. It also shares some characteristics with O. ferus Narendran but exhibits distinct differences in scrobes, propodeum and the number of cross rows of foveolae on gasteral tergites. An updated key of Indian species of Ormyus is also provided.
Keyword : Cynipid wasp, Kumaun, Ormyrus leucotrichophora sp. nov., taxonomy
Author(s) : Rawat, S., Kumar, V., Bhat, S., Upadhyay, S., Kumar, S.
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Published Issue : 2024 Vol. 19 Supplement

2024 Vol. 19 Supplement