16 Oca 2025 Perşembe
New longicorn species from Greece: Purpuricenus mediterraneus sp. nov., Stictoleptura cretica sp. nov., Brachyta alpina sp. nov., Anaglyptus rubrucollum sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)
Abstract : Four new species of Cerambycidae from Greece are described as Purpuricenus mediterraneus sp. nov., compared with Purpuricenus dalmatinus Sturm, Purpuricenus apicalis Pic, Purpuricenus nicocles Schaufuss, followed by Stictoleptura cretica sp. nov., compared with Stictoleptura erythroptera Hagenbach, Stictoleptura olympicola Vartanis, Stictoleptura ivoroberti Sama, Stictoleptura rufa rufa Brullé, Stictoleptura slamai Sama, followed by Brachyta alpina sp. nov., compared with the species Brachyta balcanica Hampe, and the last species Anaglyptus rubrucollum sp. nov., compared with the species Anaglyptus luteofasciatus Pic, Anaglyptus gibbosus Fabricius, Anaglyptus mysticus Linnaeus, Anaglyptus praecellens Holzschuh.