New faunistic records of water and riparian beetles (Coleoptera) from Turkey

Abstract :

Paper presents results of studies of various freshwater habitats on cotton fields in the Sırnak province of Turkey. Studies were carried between years 2014-2015 in two localities (Cizre and Silopi). Hydaticus histrio Clark is recorded from Turkey for the second time. Laccophilus minutus (L.) and Heterocerus fenestratus (Thunb.) are recorded for the first time from the Şırnak province. New records of Hydroglyphus geminus (Fabr.), Laccobius syriacus Guill., Bidessus calabricus Guignot and Enochrus quadripunctatus (Herbst) for fauna of the Sotheastern Anatolia Region are given. The most abundant species was H. geminus (Fabr.)

Keyword :

Coleoptera, Dytiscidae, Hydrophilidae, Heteroceridae, Şırnak province, faunistic, new regional records

Author(s) : Özgen, İ., Przewo?ny, M., Ayaz, T.
Downloads : 655
Published Issue : 2018 Vol. 13 Number 1

2018 Vol. 13 Number 1