New data on rare and a little-known leaf beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) species from Turkey along with new locality records

Abstract :

The paper presents new data on thirteen rare and a little-known leaf beetle species from Turkey. These species are belonging to the leaf beetle genera Cryptocephalus Geoffroy (4 spp.), Pachybrachis Chevrolat (3 spp.), Chrysolina Motschulsky (3 sp.), Stylosomus Suffrian (1 sp.), Gastrophysa Chevrolat (1 sp.) and Hydrothassa Thomson (1 sp.). In addition, Cryptocephalus quinquepunctatus (Scopoli, 1763) is recorded from Turkey for the first time. Also, Chrysolina haemoptera haemoptera (Linnaeus, 1758) is the first record for Asian Turkey (Anatolia) objectively with real locality data. Moreover, some regional and provincial new records for Turkey are also given in the text.

Keyword :

Cryptocephalus, Pachybrachis, Stylosomus, Chrysolina, Gastrophysa, Hydrothassa, new records, leaf beetles, fauna, biodiversity, Turkey

Author(s) : Özdikmen, H., Karsavuran, Y., Bal, N., Tezcan, S., Pehlivan, E.
Downloads : 116
Published Issue : 2021 Vol. 16 Number 2

2021 Vol. 16 Number 2