New data of Dorcadion catenatum Waltl, 1838 from Turkey with a new subspecies (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)

Abstract :

The paper presents new data of Dorcadion catenatum Waltl, 1838 from Turkey. D. catenatum catenatum Waltl, 1838 is recorded for the first time to Antalya, Aydın, Kahramanmaraş and Mersin provinces. D. catenatum loratum J. Thomson, 1867 is recorded for the first time to Balıkesir, Eskişehir and Manisa provinces and hereby for Central Anatolian region of Turkey. D. catenatum mytilinense Kraatz, 1873 is recorded for the first time to Aydın province. Accordingly, following new subspecies is described: Dorcadion catenatum stefani ssp. nov. from İzmir province in Aegean region of Turkey (Western Anatolia). The distinguishing characters are discussed. An identification key to all known subspecies of D. catenatum Waltl, 1838 is also given.

Keyword :

Cerambycidae, Dorcadionini, Dorcadion catenatum, new faunistic data, new subspecies, Turkey

Author(s) : Özdikmen, H., Tezcan, S.
Downloads : 139
Published Issue : 2020 Vol. 15 Number 2

2020 Vol. 15 Number 2