29 Mar 2025 Cumartesi
Microorganisms associated to the epithelium of the digestive tract of Enantiodrilus borellii Cognetti, 1902 (Annelida: Glossoscolecidae)
Abstract :Earthworms
(Annelida, Oligochaeta) essentially contribute to terrestrial ecosystems,
modifying soil’s physical and chemical properties with the presence of
bacterial microflora in the digestive tract. Bacteria associated to the
intestinal epithelium and the adhesion forms that allow their presence in the
digestive tract are identified through the techniques with scanning electron
microscopy. Results show microorganisms that were not dragged by washing in the
fixation technique used. Adhered
colonies are observed in the anterior part of the intestine, at calciferous
glands level; whereas they are not observed in the posterior part of the
intestine, at typholosole level. The
morphology of strains is cocci, streptococci and bacilli, constituting colonies
tangled among cilia of the digestive epithelium cells. Individual fixation
structures are not visualized, being mucous secretion the way of aggregate
digestive tract, microorganisms, epithelium