29 Mar 2025 Cumartesi
Investigation of Lepidopterans in Bangladesh by DNA barcoding of malaise trap collection
Abstract :Lepidoptera form an essential part and one of the dominant groups of insects of natural terrestrial ecosystem, and they are widely distributed ranging from desert to rainforest, from lowland grasslands to mountain plateaus. The main aim of the present study is to identify the lepidopterans’ diversity, at a site in Bangladesh through DNA barcoding technique (658 bp sequence from the 5′-end of cytochromeoxidase I). Field collections were carried out by a Malaise trap at Chittagong university campus between April 2014 and March 2015. Including first country records of 52 species, 76 genera, 23 subfamilies and 19 families, a total of 87 lepidopteran species, 115 genera, 61 subfamilies and 38 families were confirmed. Most new records belong to moth group and they are associated with agricultural fields. All the specimen records, with the Barcode Index Numbers (BINs) (the species proxies), are available on the Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD).
Lepidoptera, malaise trap, DNA barcode, Bangladesh