28 Mar 2025 Cuma
Impact of integrated chawki rearing technology on cocoon production in Muga Silkworm Antheraea Assamensis Helfer
Abstract :In muga culture, high mortality of larvae occurred particularly in the early stage of rearing to the tune of 15 to 25 %. The present paper examines the impact of adoption of integrated chawki (1st to 3rd instar larvae) rearing technology as a strategy for improving muga cocoon production in India. During Jethua Crop (May-June), the cocoon yield of the farmers who adopted the technology ranged from 4552 to 6178 per 100 disease free laying (dfl) while in the traditional lot, it ranged from 4020 to 5490 per 100 dfl. It was observed that increase in cocoon yield in the technology adopted lots over that of control lot ranged from 8.07 % to 17.02 %. Similarly, during Kotia crop (October-November), the cocoon yield of the farmers who adopted the technology ranged from 4367 to 6215 per 100 disease free laying(dfl) while in the control lot, it ranged from 3970 to 5624 per 100 dfl. During this crop, increase in cocoon yield of the treated lot over that of control ranged from 6.70 % to 18.62 %. Significant improvement in cocoon production was observed due to the adoption of the chawki rearing technology in muga culture.
Antheraea assamensis Helfer, chawki rearing technology