Identification of apterous viviparous of cereal aphids in Egypt (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Aphididae)

Abstract :

Thirteen cereal aphid species represent five subfamilies from different cereal plants in different localities of Egypt were surveyed, described and illustrated. Usual hosts as well as diagnostic characters for both fresh and microscopic mounted materials of each species were provided. Dichotomous and pictorial keys for apterous viviparous females of these aphids were included to aid personnel charged with detetion, identification and control of aphids associated with cereals in Egypt

Keyword :

Apterous, viviparous females, cereal aphids, Aphididae, taxonomic key, pictorial key, identification

Author(s) : Helmi, A.
Downloads : 2033
Published Issue : 2011 Vol. 6 Number 1

2011 Vol. 6 Number 1