09 Mar 2025 Pazar
Histoanatomy of the female reproductive system of adult Deudorix isocrates (Fab.) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
Abstract : The pomegranate fruit borer, Deudorix isocrates (Fab.) is the serious pest of pomegranate causes remarkable economic loss. The present light microscopic studies on the female reproductive organs of the adult D. isocrates (Fab.) describe the anatomical and histological details which have not been reported earlier. Anatomically the female reproductive system of D. isocrates consists of paired ovaries; each bears four ovarioles, lateral oviducts, common oviduct, bursa copulatrix, spermatheca and paired accessory gland. These organs show their species specific characteristics in particular the morphological form of bursa copulatrix, signa and intimal spines in corpus bursae and the shape of female accessory glands. Histologically the ovarioles are polytrophic and meroistic type as the general lepidopterist features but the details of ovarian sheath, terminal filaments, germarium and vitellarium are reported in present work. The wall of bursa copulatrix is composed of intima, cuboidal epithelium, and muscle layer in which the inwardly folded lamellate intima at ductus bursae is characteristic in D. isocrates. Two layered epithelium in spermatheca and accessory glands reveals cutigerous cells which forms inner epithelial lining. The simple cuboidal thin epithelium of lateral oviduct and conspicuous epithelial folds of epithelium in common oviduct appears in accordance with the thickness of respective genital ducts.