09 Mar 2025 Pazar
Growth response of Zonocerus variegatus (Linnaeus) (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae) nymphs to feeding at different periods of the day
Abstract :Ninety second instars were used to investigate the growth response of Zonocerus variegatus (L) (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae) nymphs at three feeding periods namely 7.00am-7.00pm, 7.00pm -7.00am and 7.00am-7.00am. Nine cages were constructed and divided into groups of three tagged A, B and C; representing each of the three feeding periods studied. Three replicates per treatment with 10 nymphs per replicate were produced in a completely randomized design. The nymphs were fed with leaves of cassava (Manihot esculenta Cranz). In all the five bodily parameters measured, Z. variegatus nymphs fed better during 7.00am-7.00am period (P< 0.05) than other feeding periods; and this was followed by nymphs that were fed during 7.00am -7.00pm. Consequently, Z. variegatus nymphs recorded higher growth rates in three morphometric and one gravimetric parameter namely mean body length, mean antennal length, mean femur length, and mean body weight during 7.00am-7.00am period. Even, in the mean internotal lenght where significant difference was not shown (P>0.05), higher mean value was still shown by nymphs that were fed during 7.00am-7.00am period. This study has implicated among other factors the role of the length of time of food availability as important in growth response of Z. variegatus nymphs
Zonocerus variegatus, nymphs, gravimetric parameters, morphometric parameters