Four new species of Hydroptilidae from Turkey (Trichoptera)

Abstract :

A new species of the genus Hydroptila, H. tifica sp. n., belonging to the occulta group, (northeastern Turkey) is described and figured. The species of the genus Stactobia found in Turkey are revised, and the following new species are described and illustrated: Stactobia alaplica sp. n., S. yenicensis sp. n. (northwestern Turkey) and S. kiziroglui sp. n., (western Turkey). Stactobia forsslundi Schmid, 1959 is newly recorded for Turkey. S. alaplica sp. n. and S. kiziroglui sp. n. belong to the furcata species group, and S. yenicensis sp. n. belongs to the martynovi species group

Keyword :

Taxonomy, new species, new record, Hydroptila, Stactobia, Turkey

Author(s) : Sipahiler, F.
Downloads : 1839
Published Issue : 2012 Vol. 7 Number 2

2012 Vol. 7 Number 2