11 Mar 2025 Salı
Forest cover types as determinants of moth diversity in Indian Himalayan region
Abstract :The relationship between forest cover types and ant with moth species richness is poorly understood in Indian Himalayan region. In the present study simple and multiple linear regression model was analysed to understand the effect of area of three forest cover types (very dense forest, moderately dense forest and open forest) on species richness of moth families in Indian Himalayan region. It was found that out of 23 moth families reported from the Indian Himalayan region only one moth family (Bombycidae) had significant simple linear relationship with different forest cover types. Multiple linear regression modelling shows three forest cover types can explain more than 50% variation in total moth species richness and species richness in 10 moth families (Arctiidae, Bombycidae, Crambidae, Erabidae, Geometridae, Lasiocampidae, Pyralidae, Saturniidae, Sphingidae and Uraniidae). Our study suggests that forest cover types have great role in shaping moth species richness in Indian Himalayan region.
Indian Himalaya, forest cover, moth, species richness