29 Mar 2025 Cumartesi
Field assessment of antibiosis resistance of different wheat cultivars to the Russian Wheat Aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko) (Hom.:Aphididae) at stem elongation growth stage
Abstract :The Russian Wheat Aphid is one of the most important cereal pests in the world. Due to the economic importance of this aphid in most parts of the world and also in Iran, certain studies have been directed towards the introduction of resistant cultivars. In the present study, the resistance associated with antibiosis was sought out at stem elongation growth stage in Alamoot, Alvand, Zarrin, Sabalan and Sardari, the most extensively planted wheat varieties in East Azarbaijan province of Iran. Antibiosis was determined by studying the percentage nymphal survival rate, their development time, fecundity of the first 10 and 15 days of reproductive period, growth index and calculating the relevant intrinsic rate of natural population increase (rm value). ANOVA of data indicated that, regarding the development time of nymphs, fecundity and rm values, there were significant differences between the varieties. The highest and lowest mean survival rate of nymphs also was observed in rearings on Sabalan and Alvand with 77.78 and 66.67 percent respectively. Comparisons of means using Duncan’s multiple range test, showed significant differences (p<%5) in aphid rm values between the varieties. Sabalan had the highest rm value thus regarded as the susceptible variety, while Alvand and Zarrin had the lowest rm values and thus seem to be partially resistant varieties
Antibiosis, Host plant resistance, Russian Wheat Aphid, Wheat varieties