Faunistic survey of Thysanoptera in Fars province, Iran

Abstract :

The thrips (Thysanoptera) fauna of Fars province, Iran, was studied during year 2009. A total of 20 species representing 8 genera belonging to 3 families were collected and identified. Aeolothrips balati Pelikán 1958, Aeolothrips citricinctus Bagnall 1933, Aeolothrips modestus zur Strassen 1965 and Thrips trybomi (Karny 1908) are new records for the fauna of Iran. Locality and date of collection, host(s) and distribution data for each species are provided

Keyword :

Fars province, Iran, Fauna, New record, Thrips, Thaysanoptera

Author(s) : Fallahzadeh, M., Azarmi, E., Saghaei, N., Alemansoor, H., Alavi, J.
Downloads : 2338
Published Issue : 2011 Vol. 6 Number 1

2011 Vol. 6 Number 1