Faunistic studies on the species of Paederinae and Xantholinini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) in Sarıkamış forest, Kars province, Turkey

Abstract :

In this study, fauna of Paederinae and Xantholinini from Sarıkamış forest of Eastern Turkey were studied and 20 species belonging to 14 genera were reported. Leptacinus formicetorum (Märkel, 1841) is recorded from Turkey for the first time with exactly locality. Astenus bulgaricus Coiffait, 1971, A. gracilis (Paykull 1789) A. lyonessius (Joy 1908), Pseudomedon dido (Saulcy, 1865), Lathrobium longulum (Koch 1937) and Leptacinus nigerrimus (Coiffait, 1971) are new records for Eastern Anatolian Region. In addition, Tetartopeus korgei Assing, 2014 has been recorded for the first time since its first description

Keyword :

Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae, Xantholinini, Sarıkamış forest, Turkey

Author(s) : Altın, Ç., Yağmur, E. A.
Downloads : 673
Published Issue : 2018 Vol. 13 Number 2

2018 Vol. 13 Number 2