29 Mar 2025 Cumartesi
Faunistic studies on pitfall trap collected Orthoptera in Manisa province of western Anatolia, Turkey
Abstract :The present paper is based on material collected by using pitfall trap method in different biotopes of Manisa (Dağmarmara) in 2003 and provides information about fauna of Gryllidae, Tettigoniidae and Acrididae families of Orthoptera. In conclusion of the examined material, eight species were reported. Among them, Gryllomorpha (Gryllomorpha) dalmatina (Ocskay, 1832), Gampsocleis recticauda Werner, 1901, Platycleis (Incertana) percica Uvarov, 1917 and Chorthippus bornhalmi Harz, 1971 are the first record for Manisa province. Among those G. recticauda is an Anatolian endemic species.
Fauna, Orthoptera, Gryllidae, Tettigoniidae, Acrididae, pitfall trap, Turkey, biodiversity