Family Scarabaeidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) of India: diversity and distribution - a review

Abstract : Class Insecta comprises more than half of the world known species. Coleoptera (Gk. Coleos–sheath, ptera–wing) is the largest order of Class Insecta and is comprised of beetles. The beetles adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions and are widely distributed. The family Scarabaeidae which is included in the superfamily Scarabaeoidea is one of the largest family of order Coleoptera. It consists of about 27,800 species worldwide and is further divided into 16 subfamilies, 82 tribes and 94 sub-tribes. The diversified population of scarab beetles along with their similar characters makes it hard for researchers to identify them often leading to misidentification. The Scarabid fauna plays an important role in terrestrial ecosystem as well as in various avian food chain along with soil, vegetation, anthropogenic activities and other biological indications.This review paper documented the diversity and distribution of scarab beetles of India.
Keyword : Beetle, Coleoptera, diversity, India, Scarabaeidae
Author(s) : Firdose, R., Kaur, Dr. R., Zaffar, N., Kauser, R.
Downloads : 55
Published Issue : 2023 Vol. 18 Number 2

2023 Vol. 18 Number 2